Jesus rested. He carved out time to chill out. He carved out time to spend with his Father in prayer. And He wants to be that rest for you. Rest from your worries. Rest from your problems. Rest from your…
In today’s conversation we’ll talk about why iPhones are so difficult to keep accountable, how we can handle tough tech conversations about the content and choices our children might be making online, and what next-steps we can take to improve…
You may have heard the phrase or seen the bracelets, WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?). But what about WDJD… What Did Jesus DO?! Today we’re going to be talking about the fact that Jesus hung out with sinners. Did he…
It’s that time for the God on the Go Car Quiz! This is when we get together and talk through some of the trivia, some of the facts that you’ve learned in the previous episodes. We’ve been in a series…
Thanks for being with me this week! Today we end our week of exploring biblical heroes with one of my favorites, Peter. Throughout the gospels, Peter’s interactions with Jesus, and the disciples, reflect a leader who is impulsive, ambitious, self-assertive,…
Job was an upright God-fearing man who shows us what it is to have faith in the deepest, darkest of times.
Today on The Bonfire we dig into the story of Nicodemus and the concept that religion doesn’t satisfy. A relationship with Jesus is beyond religion. Find out how to be born again and let’s let a fresh wave of the…
Jesse Bradley was like a lot of kids in that he dreamed of being a professional athlete, Unlike most other kids, he saw his dream come true! But then it was snatched away by a health crisis. It was a…
Big dreams, big goal, big life, we spend a lot of time chasing after them. But what if there’s a different way to live, a way that can make even the most mundane Monday something magical? Tama Fortner joins AllMomDoes…
Nearly everyone knows how David defeated Goliath with just a sling and a stone. He was a strong, smart, and loyal leader, but he still came up against some pretty significant personal struggles. Let’s find out more.