One of the things I always quoted to my kids when they were growing up was Mr. Churchill. I would say, what does Mr. Churchill say? And they would dutifully, “Never give up mom”. We are continuing our series called…
Sometimes our heart and spirit get sick… Our hearts get out of alignment with God. It can cause us to feel like a bad person. Those feelings are real, but you know what you got to do? You’ve got to…
God wants you to step up and participate. It’s not enough to hide out and not be in the game. God is calling you out today! Make today the day you follow Jesus and his plan for your life.
As a parent, you might think a lot about how to discipline your child. But have you thought about what it means to disciple them? Lee Ann Mancini joins AllMomDoes host Julie Lyles Carr to talk about raising kids to…
If you are feeling lost on the trail of life today and you’re looking for breadcrumbs that will lead you back to remembering that you are actually found, that everything is okay, I’m so glad you’re here. There is a…
Today we talk about how we can use all the tech that helps us be more like Jesus, and none of the tech that distracts us from Him.
This week we’re breaking open God’s medicine cabinet for the perfect remedies for our souls, and today we’re talking about his prescription for loneliness.
Be a Wrestler! I’m an action kind of person. If something goes sideways, I want to figure out a solution.