Abide means to dwell, remain, be present, and to be held and kept. Abide is saying, “Lord, stay with me. Hold me, keep me. Dwell with me. Remain with me. Be present with me.” Let’s start today.
Something to remember if you haven’t already cemented this in your mind and in your heart, God never moves. We are the ones who drift away. He’s always waiting with open arms.
The battle for how you spend your time is very real and very difficult. What causes permanent life change is when you spend time in God’s word. Brandon will encourage you today with simple tools to make Bible reading a…
How does your personality work with your spiritual journey? So often we can feel like maybe we should act like someone else or do what someone else is doing. But that’s not how God put us together, according to Beth…
We’re kicking off season eight, which brings a focus on the theme of Jesus’ healing. Perhaps there’s a part of your life that requires restoration. Through God’s healing, His character of goodness, mercy, and grace shines through, urging us to…
Nick Archer, Kelli Tolf and Doug Engberg join Sarah to discuss life changing transformation happening in villages “at the end of the road” – including Bangladesh, South Sudan and Kenya.
This final episode of By Faith will outline how King’s Garden grew into CRISTA, transforming thousands of lives for Christ along the way. Current executives and staff of the ministry will tell this story, recounting how the Martin family inspired…
Talking about technology can be an amazing win for both parents and children. In today’s conversation we break down how we can talk about tech’s benefits, potential drawbacks, and it’s fit for our family as we tackle even the hardest…