God is so much bigger than our human lives. He exists and exists and exists. We’re never in this lifetime going to get to know every single thing about Him, but there are things that He tells us about that…
We’re going back to school again on the Bible for Busy People! It’s time for Joy Bombs in the Psalms, and today you and I are going to read a portion of Psalm 119 together. It’s the longest Psalm in…
What does love look like to you? For me, I can still see the greatest picture of love God ever showed me. It was when my mom was recovering from covid and her body was just a shell of what…
Are you ready to encounter God? God embodies love, light, and a consuming fire. Let’s seek to rely on God daily, allowing Him to fill our hearts and dispel emptiness, discouragement, and despair. God is our ultimate healer.
Generosity goes beyond finances. How can you live a generous life for Jesus? What does this look like? Brandon break it down today to remind us what we have and how we can give to those around us.
Last time we took a field trip to the Hall of Faith in Hebrews chapter 11, abut didn’t have enough time to explore the whole thing. So, we’re back at it today!
In this special episode with AllMomDoes host Julie Lyles Carr, discover why evaluating the habits and rotations you might not even think about any more could be just the thing to breathe new life into your schedule.
Today we discuss three changes we can make, starting today, and three additions Nathan has made to his life recently.
I’m really excited to dive into another word today, that seems simple on the surface, but it’s like an iceberg… there’s so much depth to it. Today’s word is: faith. Let’s dive into Hebrews 11 now.
You and I are going back to school this week, Bible school that! I thought it would be fitting since our kids and grandkids, nieces and nephews are going back to school that hey, you and I can go back…