Purposely Presents
Passion Meets Purpose
with Sarah Taylor
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About This Podcast
Podcast Description
Charles Spurgeon once said “set yourself on fire… and people will come watch you burn.”
He was talking about passion. People are drawn to it…. they’ll come from miles to see it.
There’s something so compelling… so alive…
Join Sarah Taylor as she explores how you find your passion (what were you made to do?) and your purpose (how do you give back to the world?)
Passion Meets Purpose is story-driven – conversations with people just like you who are on fire… for the right things. For beautiful things. For things that matter.
The Passion Meets Purpose Podcast. Because when it comes to what God is doing in the world, and what God wants to do in YOUR life… this is fire worth spreading.

About Sarah Taylor
Sarah Taylor started listening to SPIRIT 105.3 in her college years and quickly became passionate about the music. She was a frequently-calling, bumper-sticker-displaying, song-requesting fan. Soon, she began an internship and pretty much refused to leave the studio once her semester was up!
For Sarah, the Pacific Northwest has always been, and always will be, home. She enjoys running (however, nothing more than a 5k) and relies on spell-check daily. If you have a newborn baby, Sarah will try to hold it for as long as you let her and sniff its little neck. If you are having a party at your house, Sarah is 95% more likely to attend if allowed to wear Yoga pants. If frozen yogurt is involved, she’s 100% there.
Her husband, Joel, is a better cook than she is. They have three children and a cat. (Sarah wants you to know about the cat. Joel could care less.)
You can hear her story featured on Brought Back to Life.
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