About This Podcast
Podcast Description
It probably wouldn’t surprise you to hear that anxiety is at all time high. Between the pandemic, division in the world, not to mention just the normal stressors of life – you are probably feeling it too! Steve Sunshine is hosting this new five-part podcast with Dr. Gregg Jantz from The Center: A Place of Hope. From kids to adults, the world is struggling. Through this podcast we want to get to the root of our anxiety and find out what we can do about it. We will be discovering anxiety types and triggers, how gratitude and optimism can change everything, how better emotional health can be had through what we eat, how you can create your own anxiety reset plan and what to do if someone you know if struggling with anxiety. With practical things that you can implement today, we truly think this will be life changing. Let’s step away from the fear that is robbing us all of joy and peace and find out how to move forward.

About Steve Sunshine
My real last name is Sunshine. So it’s amazing that my wife Gaye was willing to marry me – since it made her name Gaye Sunshine. We have a daughter named Camille who is recently married and lives in Chicago with Ryan who is simultaneously her husband and our son-in-law. They are a pair of quirky intellectuals, both planning on grad school. Our son Meyer is in high school and loves playing football. He makes friends everywhere he goes. We adopted Meyer from Haiti in 2008. It took us three years and was, without a doubt, the biggest step of faith in our lives.
I didn’t grow up as a Christian and not come to know Jesus until I was 30. My (future) wife played a huge part in my journey by patiently answering my questions.
Having been a cynical non-Christian in the past helps me to relate to people who have negative pre-conceived notions. I love being part of the CRISTA Family!

About Dr. Gregory Jantz
Early in his career working with people who suffered with eating disorders, Dr. Jantz uncovered a disconnect in treatment options available to people who were hurting.
His work revealed that often patients suffered from depression, addiction, and other disorders. As a result, he found himself compelled to dig deeper, developing a multi-disciplinary treatment approach that would care for the whole-person instead of the just the symptoms. More about Dr. Gregory Jantz
About The Center:
A Place of HOPE
With 37 years of leadership in mental and behavioral health, The Center • A Place of HOPE is a Top Ten Facility for Depression Treatment. Our caring and experienced staff provide professional excellence in the treatment for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, trauma, addiction, abusive relationships and more.