Purposely Presents
Letters From Home
with Meg Glesener
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About This Podcast
Podcast Description
Letters from Home is based on 2 Corinthians 3:3 which says: “…You are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” (ESV)
Letters from Home is a faith-building podcast sharing everyday stories of faith from people of all walks of life. Life is hard, and on most days, our faith needs a boost. Letters From Home Podcast will bring a new faith story, every other week, from people who love Jesus, of all ages & demographics. You will hear in these stories, their dreams, their failures, their pain, their struggles, their life changing encounters, and their extraordinary moments. You’ll leave each episode encouraged and inspired to love God and the people around you more deeply.
Each episode is built like a letter as we try to showcase how each of our lives is a letter to the world for the glory of God! And there is always a P.S. at the end. I have one goal here – to bring encouragement to your doorstep!
“The day my podcast went live I remember looking up and the only cloud in the sky was a heart. God was smiling down upon me sending me encouragement to share these stories. I truly hope they bless your life.”

About Meg Glesener
Hi, I’m Meg. I live in the Seattle area and love the PNW. I am a mom of 8. Yes, 8! I am trying to live my best life even though I don’t always get it right and things don’t always go as planned. I am thankful for those I am blessed to share life with. I have loved weaving my family into my podcast. They have been a big part of this since the beginning!
To my husband, Mike, you are the wind in my sails!
To my Lord, for whom I live and breathe, and seek to honor with every fiber of my being, I am grateful.
You can connect with me at Lettersfromhomepodcast.com or by visiting me on Instagram and Facebook. I’d love to hear how God is touching your life through this podcast!
You can hear my story featured on Brought Back to Life.